时间: 2014-04-11 发布者: 文章来源: 古天乐代言太阳集团 审核人: 浏览次数: 1300



作 者

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     A Sparse Projection and Low-Rank Recovery Framework for Handwriting Representation and Salient Stroke Feature Extraction

     ACM Transactions on Intelligent Systems and Technology




     Truthful Auction Mechanisms with Performance Guarantee in Secondary Spectrum Markets

     IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing




     Similarity Preserving Low-Rank Representation for Enhanced Data Representation and Effective Subspace Learning

     Neural Networks




     PPS: Privacy-Preserving Strategyproof Social-Efficient Spectrum Auction Mechanisms

     IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems




     Communication-efficient algorithms for parallel latent Dirichlet allocation

     Soft Computing




     Simple Yet Effective Color Principal and Discriminant Feature Extraction for Representing and Recognizing Color Images





     Distributed Feature Representations for Dependency Parsing

     Audio, Speech, and Language Processing, IEEE/ACM Transactions on




     Bayesian Constituent Context Model for Grammar Induction





     Improved packing of protein side chains with parallel ant colonies

     BMC Bioinformatics



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     PaFlexPepDock: Parallel Ab-Initio Docking of Peptides onto Their Receptors with Full Flexibility Based on Rosetta





     An Automatic Cross-System File Generation System for Biological Network Visualization Tools

     Journal Of Applied Mathematics




     Country Contact Tightness Influence Analysis Using Indirect Effects

     Journal Of Applied Mathematics




     Topic-Based Dissimilarity and Sensitivity Models for Translation Rule Selection

     Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research




     Group preferential selection promotes cooperation in spatial public goods game

     International Journal of Modern Physics C (IJMPC)




     On the mobile relay placement in hybrid MANETs with secure network coding

     Security and Communication Networks (SCN)




     Continuous Probabilistic Subspace Skyline Query Processing Using Grid Projections





     The diagnosability of triangle-free graphs

     Theoretical Computer Science




     A Model Based on Crossed Cubes for VoD Services

     2014 2nd International Conference on Systems and Informatics(ICSAI 2014)




     A Node-to-Set Disjoint Path Routing Algorithm in DCell Networks

     2014 International Conference on Advanced Cloud and Big Data




     One-to-Many Disjoint Path Covers in DCell

     2014 International Conference on Computer Science and Systems Engineering (CSSE2014)




     In-band Bootstrapping in Database-driven Multi-hop Cognitive Radio Networks

     the 11th IEEE Consumer Communications & Networking Conference




     Bilingual Active Learning for Relation Classification via Pseudo Parallel Corpora

     Proceedings of the 52nd Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics



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     A Sense-Based Translation Model for Statistical Machine Translation

     Proceedings of the 52nd Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics




     A Topic-based Reordering Model for Statistical Machine Translation

     Natural Language Processing and Chinese Computing




     A Joint Learning Approach to Explicit Discourse Parsing via Structured Perceptron

     13th China National Conference, CCL 2014, and Second International Symposium, NLP-NABD 2014, Wuhan, China, October 18-19, 2014. Proceedings




     An Application of Adaptive Random Sequence in Test Case Prioritization.

     In Proceedings of the 26th International Conference on Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering




     Robust Bilinear Matrix Recovery by Tensor Low-Rank Representation

     In: Proceedings of the 26th IEEE International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN)




     Label Propagation and Soft-similarity Measure for Graph based Constrained Semi-Supervised Learning

     In: Proceedings of the 26th IEEE International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN)




     Robust Image Representation and Decomposition by Laplacian Regularized Latent Low-Rank Representation

     In: Proceedings of the 25th IEEE International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN)




     Handwriting Representation and Recognition through a Sparse Projection and Low-Rank Recovery Framework

     In: Proceedings of the 25th IEEE International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN)




     ColorPCA: Color Principal Feature Extraction Technique for Color Image Reconstruction and Recognition

     In: Proceedings of the 25th IEEE International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN)



作 者

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     A Social Trust Path Recommendation System in Contextual Online Social Networks

     Proceedings of 16th Asia-Pacific Web Conference




     A dynamic fuzzy multi-attribute group decision making method for supplier evaluation and selection

     26th Chinese Control and Decision Conference, CCDC 2014




     A novel resource provisioning model for DHT-based cloud storage systems

     Lecture Notes in Computer Science,Proceedings of NPC 2013




     Synchronous Constituent Context Model for Inducing Bilingual Synchronous Structures

     Proceedings of COLING 2014, the 25th International Conference on Computational Linguistics




     Chinese-English SMT for Cross-language Dialogue Agent Support

     Proceedings of The Asia-Pacific Signal and Information Processing Association (APSIPA)




     Rating Propagation in Web Services Reputation Systems: A Fast Shapley Value Approach

     Database Systems for Advanced Applications




     An Optimal Cache Management Framework for Information-Centric Networks with Network Coding

     IFIP Networking 2014




     Improved Data Transmission Scheme of Network Coding Based
     on Access Point Optimization in VANET

     Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering




     Active Learning for Duplicate Record Identification in Deep Web

     Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing




     A multi-criterion query based batch mode active learning technique

     Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing




     A Multiple Phase Stratification Based Hierarchical Clustering Over a Deep Web Data Source

     Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing



     陈伟/ 赵雷

     Ranking Based Activity Trajectory Search





     A Fuzzy-Decision based Approach for Composite Event Detection in Wireless Sensor Networks

     the Scientific World Journal



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     A Spread willingness Computing-Based Information  Dissemination Model

     the Scientific World Journal




     Constructing Topic Models of Internet of Things for Information Processing

     the Scientific World Journal




     An Active Learning approach with Uncertainty, Representativeness and Diversity

     the Scientific World Journal




     Study of Active Learning-based Trademark Number Recognition Method

     Journal of Algorithms & Computational Technology




     Multi-label Active Learning for Image Classification

     ICIP 2014




     Maximum Classification Optimization-based Active Learning for Image Classification

     CISP 2014




     Multi-scale feature learning for 

     dynamic scene classification

     The Second International Conference on Cyberspace Technology 2014(CCT 2014)




     Modeling and Analysis for CPS Physical Entities Based on Spatio-Temporal Petri Net,(JCP)

     Journal of Computers




     Modeling and Verifying of CPS Component Services Based on Hybrid Automata

     International Journal of Multimedia and Ubiquitous Engineering (IJMUE)




     Method for Modeling CPS Based on Open Colored Petri Net,

     Journal of Computational Information Systems(JCIS)




     Research on Verification of Properties for CPS based on Statistical Model Checking

     Journal of Computational Information Systems (JCIS)




     Adaptive Environment Perception Architecture Model for Internet of Things

     Journal of Computational Information Systems(JCIS)




     A Succinct String Dictionary Index in External Memory

     International Journal of  Database Theory and Application(IJDTA)




     An Iterative Link-based Method for Parallel Web Page Mining




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     Effective Selection of Translation Model Training Data





     Expanding Native Training Data for Implicit Discourse Relation Classification

     Social Media Processing. Springer Berlin Heidelberg




     A constituent-based approach to argument labeling with joint inference in discourse parsing





     Chinese Comma Disambiguation on K-best Parse Trees





     Rating Aware Route Planning in Road Networks

     First International Workshop on Data Management for Next-Generation Location-Based Services (DaNoS)




     An Efficient Multiple Trust Paths Finding Algorithm for Trustworthy Service Provider Selection in Real-Time Online Social Network Environments

     Proceedings of the 21stInternational Conference on Web Services




     An Evolution-Based Robust Social Influence Evaluation Method in Online Social Networks

     The 15th International Conference on Web Information System Engineering




     On Clustering Algorithms for Biological Data





     ntegrating Multiple Information of Active Learning for Image  Classification

     IEEE Computer Society




     Semi-Supervised Based Training Set Construction For Outlier Detection

     IEEE Computer Society




     An improved similarity measure method in Collaborative Filtering Recommendation Algorithm

     IEEE Computer Society
