ICDM 2017
时间: 2017-02-18 发布者: 文章来源: 古天乐代言太阳集团 审核人: 浏览次数: 1384

17th Industrial Conference on Data Mining ICDM 2017

July 12-16, 2017, New York, USA

The Industrial Conference on Data Mining ICDM is held on yearly basis.
Researchers from all over the world will present theoretical and application-oriented topics on Data Mining. Practicioners can present and discuss their ongoing projects in Industry Sessions.
Industrial Exhibition · Best-Paper-Award for Talks and Posters · Workshops: Case-Based Reasoning CBR-MD, DM in Marketing DMM, and B2ML I-Business to Manufacturing and LifeSciences - The Internet of Things and Services.

Important Dates

Deadline Long Paper

  • New Deadline for Submission of Papers: 15.02.2017
  • Notification of acceptance: 18.03.2017
  • Submission of camera-ready copy: 05.04.2017
  • Please submit the electronic version of your long paper to the CMS-System


Deadline Short Paper and Industry paper

  • Submission of papers: 20.03.2017
  • Notification of acceptance: 29.04.2017
  • Submission of camera-ready copy: 12.05.2017
  • Please submit the electronic version of your short or industry paper to the CMS-Short_Paper_and_Industry_Paper_System.

  • Topics of the conference

    Paper submissions should be related but not limited to any of the following topics:

    Applications of Data Mining in ...

    • Marketing
    • Medicine
    • E-Commerce (Mining Logfiles)
    • Biotechnology
    • Quality Management
    • Multimedia Data (Image, Video, Text, Signals)
    • Web-Mining
    • Intrusion Detection in Networks
    • Agriculture
    • Meterology


    Theoretical and Application-oriented Topics in ...


    Authors can submit their paper in long or short version.

    Long Paper

    The paper must be formatted in the Springer LNCS format. They should have at most 15 pages. The papers will be reviewed by the program committee. Accepted long papers will be published by Springer Verlag in the LNAI Series in the book Advances in Data Mining, edited by Petra Perner.

    Please submit your Long Paper to the CMS-System.

    Short Paper

    Short papers are also welcome and can be used to describe work in progress or project ideas. They can have 5 to max. 15 pages, formatted in Springer LNCS format. Accepted short papers will be presented as poster in the poster session. They will be published in a special poster proceedings book.

    Please submit your Short Paper and your Industry Paper to the CMS-System.

    Industry Papers

    We encourage industrial people to show their applications and projects for data mining. This work can be presented as poster during the poster session in the special industry track. Please submit a one page abstract including title, name and affilation.

    Please submit your Short Paper and your Industry Paper to the CMS-System.

    Notice that the submission is NOT the registration to the conference! Please fill out the registration form.

    If you have any problem with the submission, please contact via email info@data-mining-forum.de.

      • Case-Based Reasoning and Similarity-Based Reasoning
      • Clustering
      • Classification & Prediction
      • Statistical Learning
      • Association Rules
      • Telecommunication
      • Design of Experiment
      • Strategy of Experimentation
      • Capability Indices
      • Deviation and Novelty Detection
      • Control Charts
      • Conceptional Learning
      • Goodness Measures and Evaluation (e.g. false discovery rates)
      • Inductive Learning Including Decision Tree and Rule Induction Learning
      • Organisational Learning and Evolutional Learning
      • Sampling Methods
      • Similarity Measures and Learning of Similarity
      • Statistical Learning and Neural Net Based Learning
      • Visualization and Data Mining
      • Deviation and Novelty Detection
      • Feature Grouping, Discretization, Selection and Transformation
      • Feature Learning
      • Frequent Pattern Mining
      • Learning and Adaptive Control
      • Learning/Adaption of Recognition and Perception
      • Learning for Handwriting Recognition
      • Learning in Image Pre-Processing and Segmentation
      • Mining Financial or Stockmarket Data
      • Mining Motion from Sequence
      • Subspace Methods
      • Support Vector Machines
      • Time Series and Sequential Pattern Mining
      • Desirabilities
      • Graph Mining
      • Agent Data Mining
      • Applications in Software Testing
      • Knowledge Management
      • Mining Social Media
      • Online Targeting & Controlling
      • Behavioral Targeting
      • Meteorological Data Mining
      • Data Mining in Logistics
      • Data Mining in Energy Industry
      • Business Intelligence and Data Mining
      • Big Data and Algorithm for Big Data
      • Legal Informatics and Data Mining
      • Data Mining for Logistic and Supply Chain Management